Since 1962 the Cornea & Contact Lens Society of Australia (CCLSA) has promoted education, research, professional development and networking in the cornea and contact lens field.
Over the years, we have established an enviable reputation as a well recognised and highly respected professional organisation committed to supporting Australian optometrists and ophthalmologists.
Congratulations to Dr Grant and the previous CCLSA Brien Holden Memorial Award recipients, Dr Lewis Williams, Dr Steve Zantos, Professor Debbie Sweeney, and Professor Arthur Ho.
A/Prof Phillips is renowned for the textbook ‘Contact Lenses’, which has been a staple for contact lens practitioners, educators, and students since the 1970s. Tony has spent much of his life as a contact lens educator while fitting and managing a variety of complex contact lens patients including grafts, keratoconus, and paediatric aphakes in his hospital roles and private practice.
CCLSA VIC - The implementation of femtochannel CAIRS in Victoria for keratoconus, a single operator series
12 March 2025
We will cover the process of implementing this novel procedure including indications, visual results, challenges, and limitations. This lecture should give the audience members a very good oversight on CAIRS.